Planning to study in Canada? Got a limited idea about where to start from? Well, this article provides you the intricate process involved, in a simplified explained manner.
The basic requirement for this purpose is acquiring a Canadian study permit, which will, actually, work as your Canadian student visa. It is only required if your stay is for more than six months. Now, the big question is: How to apply for the Canadian study permit? This starts from visiting the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) website, where you need to apply for a study permit online or via a paper application.

Applying online needs a debit/credit card as well as a camera or a scanner in order to create your supporting documents’ electronic copies. Paper applications generally take longer duration than those filled online. We would suggest you look for the processing time beforehand. You can obtain information about the documents to be provided, which is location-specific, from the visa office in your country. For further assistance, Visa Application Center (VAC) plays the role.
Canadian Student Visa Process:
1. It is very much indispensable to get a standardized letter of acceptance from a well-known higher education provider. If you wish to study in Quebec, you will also need to apply for a certificate of acceptance (CAQ) and obtain it from the Quebec government, prior to applying for the study permit. This is available online for getting a printout or can be bagged in physical paper form from your university.
2. The next step requires you to obtain a Canadian student visa application package. You have the option to get it from the CIC website or from your local visa office, or your home country’s Canadian embassy or consulate. Note that a temporary residence permit might also be required if you belong to a designated country.
3. Acquiring your application package needs you to answer a handful of questions that will be flashed on the CIC website. These questions hold importance as the answers you’ll provide would determine your eligibility for applying for the Canadian study permit online and the documents you would need to submit.
4. You will receive a personal checklist code if you fit the eligibility criteria. This checklist code is needed for submission of the application online and has 60 days validity. Do not forget to have a printout of this checklist code page for future uses. It entails the application guide, documents list that you’ll need to comply with your application, information about an estimated amount of fees as well as further guidelines for succeeding steps.
5. Once it seems all fit for you to apply, start with MyCIC account creation. This is a place where you’ll need to enter your personal checklist code. You’ll, then, need to have a printer or a scanner, once you get your personal document checklist, for uploading and sending required documents to CIC.
6. You will be able to submit your complete application to CIC after you have your documents and application forms complete and you have made your fee payments.
7. You might also be interviewed at your local visa office.
Note: It is, obviously, advisable to apply for a Canadian student visa prior to your visit to Canada. The Canadian study permit can, then, be renewed easily within Canada for an extended period if you wish to continue your study.
Additional Requirements:
There are some additional requirements that might need to be affixed in regard to Canadian student visas which is stated as under.
Medical examination and/or police check of the applicant before the submission of their application. Any criminal record means no study permit. You might need to request a Police Clearance Certificate.
Fingerprints and photographs of the applicants who belong to certain countries.
Proof of possessing a valid passport which serves to help you to return to your home country after your course completion. This is not required to be done if your place of origin happens to be the US or St. Pierre and Miquelon.
Proof of funds is another requirement. For now, C$ 10,000 per year is considered for your stay which is over and above your tuition fees. In the case of applying in Quebec, the amount increases to C$11,000. Apart from the stay-related funds, ensure to have enough money for commuting back to your country of origin. As proof, you can provide bank statements, bank drafts in a convertible currency, tuition and accommodation fees, payment proofs, a letter from the individual or institution offering you money for this purpose, Canadian account in your name as evidence in case money transfer has been completed, proof of funding which is paid from within Canada in the case of scholarship program or Canadian-funded program.
Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) as of March 15, 2016, is required for those holders of study and work permits for visa-exempt countries who got such permits on or before July 31, 2015, in order to return to Canada. There are no such issues if you have received a study and/or work permit on or after August 1, 2015, as an eTA is automatically provided with your permit.
Subsequent Work: Canadian study permit approval doesn’t finish your work. A few more steps, suffix this process. You’ll get an introduction letter which you’ll definitely need to go through. And the students from countries requiring an eTA and a temporary residence visa will be provided with these documents. This eTA gets linked to your passport and has a validity of 5 years or till your passport expiration date, whichever is earlier. It is of utmost importance to carry this passport while you travel.
Manifest to the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) in Canada your passport accompanied by all required documents, including a letter of acceptance and proof of funds. The CBSA will then, grant you your Canadian study permit without hassles.
Work Amidst Studies:
If you wish to work while you study, you have a good option of a part-time on or off-campus job with 20 working hours. This is during the university semesters’ period. However, you can join a full-time job during the summer and winter breaks, without a work permit.
To qualify to work, a few conditions should be met.
- You must posses a valid study permit.
- You must be a full time student.
- You must be enrolled in a post- secondary level at a pronounced learning institution. In case of Quebec, it requires a vocational program which is also at secondary level.
- You must be enrolled to study in programs such as academics, vocational and professional training that would provide you with a certificate, a diploma or a degree after completion. The program must be of at least 6 months’ duration.
Social Insurance Number (SIN) is also required to be obtained from Service Canada. In addition to allowing you to work in Canada, it also provides you with services and benefits from government programs.
The study permit has validity until the 90th day from the completion of your course or study program. So, if you wish to seek jobs in Canada after your studies, you’ll need to apply for and get a post-graduation work permit, which offers 3 years’ validity.