The Art of Getting A Job
The process of finding a job is a different experience for each individual, some job seekers might find it difficult to find the desired job, whereas some manage to get one easily. No matter what type of job you are looking for if you don’t know the proper sources and channels of finding a job, you might end up wasting time and effort.
Game Plan: This article has been structured as a game plan to help you find your dream job by just following 4 simple steps.

Step 1: First and foremost, the step to follow is to have a perfectly industrialized CV (Curricula Vitae) or Résumé. Remember, CV is the first thing a recruiter notices, it is like watching a trailer before deciding whether to watch the movie or not. You might be the best candidate for the job, though, a poor CV can end up your chances of even landing an interview. Another important thing to have on the plate for a recruiter is a customized cover letter. The reason for submitting a cover letter is to engage more and explain why you are the best-suited candidate for the job. A common mistake many job seekers make while preparing cover letters is using repeated content or copying from free samples available online. A recruiter comes across hundreds of cover letters, thus reading similar content or finding poor co-relation with job requirements won’t be much valued.
Check out good examples of CVs here

Step 2: The next step is to look for worthy resources from which you would search and find the job. There are two core ways of finding jobs online, the first option is to search for top companies in your respected industry, and build a list of them. Once, you have created the list of the top choices of companies you like, go on their official websites and apply to the career section. Another way of finding jobs is through a job board or portal. The jobs portal has various openings from various industries and expertise. Below is the list of good resources you can search for jobs on.

Top 4 picks for job sites:
Indeed, can be considered google of jobs, with a huge database of jobs locally and globally. It combines various jobs sites and companies’ websites, giving users a single platform to search for jobs.
Top choice for networking by professionals, job seekers and recruiters. LinkedIn gives plenty of features for finding a job, you can join groups, participate in conversations and follow companies you find interesting and relevant to your job search.
Job search website Glassdoor boasts a large database of company reviews — submitted by employees. Glassdoor promotes itself as giving job seekers insights into a company’s work conditions, interview processes, salaries and benefits. In addition to providing job listings, Glassdoor allows employers to identify job candidates and market their companies to job seekers.
No list of best job search websites would be complete without this entry. CareerBuilder is one of the biggest job boards, and its robust search function allows you to filter by several criteria, including location, degree required and pay range. CareerBuilder partners with news media around the country and collects job listings from them. It also provides career advice and resources for candidates.
Step 3: There are various job fairs that take place locally, although the concept of job fairs is getting old school. But still, it is one of the effective ways to find jobs, the core reason for going to job fairs is to save time and directly meet the interviewers. To find out about the nearest job fairs search on job fair sites. Another way of meeting the recruiter directly is through walk-in interviews that are posted on the newspapers or companies’ official websites.

Step 4: Another effective way of finding a job is through alumni channels, usually most of the universities have alumni forums and meet-ups. In case your school does not have or host any, you can always look into LinkedIn for alumni. Networking with alumni really helps as they already know the quality of your education and it’s easy to establish a connection with them. You can always look up for alumni who now have turned into C-level executives, business owners, HR managers, etc.

Comment below if you need help with your CV or free consulting on your career paths and choices.